This is the end of a truly exciting but terrifying week! I am in love, however, with military medicine. I love the people and the environment. Everyone is so helpful and eager to learn and give out advice.
Make like Spongebob, and soak it all up ;D
I've been having lunch with great friends and for once in my life I feel like I know what I am talking about. I have seen almost 50 patients already and I cannot wait to see more. I BELIEVE this week I am going to have level two encounters, where I conduct the H&P under the direct supervision of the preceptor. I am excited. I need to read up on the actual procedure of the PAP smear because the next one that comes in I get perform it! Yes, very gross but very interesting. This past weekend was amazing, friends on Friday night for a birthday (followed by dangerousness with the girls at the beaches) then Saturday night a Jerrod Neimann concert at Mavericks with Kellie. May I say that Jerrod is one gorgeous man and damn what a voice. Here is to knowledge being power and let me flood open the gates to let it all in. This coming week is going to be a killer. <- in a good way
i am so freaking glad we went. LOVED spending time with my bestie and listening to such a hunky man (haha) i will NEVER say hunky again. promise.